Types of rat in NZ
Birds killed by rats per day
Maximum pups in a rat litter
Maximum litters a year
Identifying rats.
Aotearoa has no native rats, but three types came with early sailors: the Kiore , which is the smallest, the Norway rat , which is the biggest, and the ship/roof rat, which is the most common.
Impact of rats.
Rats are a major threat to native species as they breed rapidly. A single pair of rats has the potential to create a population of thousands within a single year.
They are omnivores and eat a very wide range of food. They compete for the same food sources as native wildlife, including flowers, fruits and seeds. They also eat our native wildlife, targeting insects, lizards and birds. Ship rats climb trees and eat bird chicks and eggs, while Norway rats prey on ground-nesting birds.
More information available at Predator Free NZ.