


Types of mustelid


Maximum stoat litter


North Island kiwi kills per year


Stoat recorded range


Identifying mustelids.

The weasel, stoat and the ferret are all part of the mustelid family that have been introduced into New Zealand.

Weasels are the smallest, measuring up to 25cm long. They have a red/brown coat with white fur on their belly.

Stoats are larger in size, measuring from 25cm to 30cm. Their coat is brown with white fur on their belly, the fur on the tip of the tail is black.

Ferrets are the largest of the family, measuring from 37cm to 44cm. They have woolly fur with a black face mask.

Mustelid scats (droppings) are long and thin, often with a characteristic tapering twist at each end. They are filled with fur, feathers and bone fragments, and are hard and black when dry.


Impact of mustelids.

Mustelids are intelligent and capable predators that have a significant impact on our native wildlife. Our native birds have little defence against these introduced predators.

Their favourite foods are mice and rabbits. But they often hunt native wildlife, targeting birds, eggs, insects and lizards. Stoats are good at climbing trees so they can eat chicks and eggs in the nest.

More information available at Predator Free NZ.